Anxiety Girl Becomes Mum

My problem is, the way people, and media, just throw around the term ‘mental illness.

For instance,
“…a young women, who has a history of mental illness…”
“…the killer has a history of severe mental illness…”
“…today a man with a history of mental illness attacked…
“…the alleged killer has a history of mental illness…”
“…the accused has a history of mental illness…”

If you think that’s ok, then just replace mental with the word ‘physical’ and you’ll see how ridiculous it is.

The term ‘mental illness’ cannot continue to be used as a cover all for every single type of mental illness out there. And it certainly cannot be used to ‘explain’ away people’s behaviour, so that everyone just nods their head and thinks ‘oh, they have a mental illness, well that explains it then.’

Read the post in its entirety! Visit Anxiety Girl Becomes Mum: A History of Mental Illness.